About Me

Who are you?
My name is Daisy Sun and I seek to embody my name by providing a warm connection to life. My work are a reflection of the beauty, emotions, and energies I witness.

Why do you create?
I paint to access the places in which words cannot capture, but my heart can feel. When I am here, I find presence; I find beauty. I gather love for myself, and along this journey comes the natural progression of loving those around me. I seek to reflect and receive this energy as I bloom alongside you. Together, we are a field of flowers. My life’s work is to share this energy of healing, joy, and love.

What kind of healing practices do you do?
I seek to meet all that I encounter with love. My specific healing practices have evolved over time, which includes teaching yoga and wellness coaching to help people find their way back to themselves. Most recently, I heal through my art in painting intuitive portraits of the energies I see in people as a reminder of their innate beauty. When we see something beautiful with our eyes, we feel it with our hearts, and when we connect with this beauty, we share it outwards through our energy, our words, and existence. This healing becomes a chain reaction of collective healing that starts within each of us. You can learn more about my commission process here.